Tips on usage of computer by Dr.Varsha for our ComputerMitra beneficiaries

StudyMall is helping more than 5000 rural children read,learn and do better in studies. StudyMall has reached 33 schools in 33 villages of Maharashtra. Recently we launched computer learning program “ComputerMitra” with help of NIIT foundation, where our volunteer teaches computer  for period of 3 months to a batch of students from 6th and 7 th std at Z.P.School of village Jambargaon and at end of this course (once they pass exam), they get certified by NIIT foundation as computer literates. But with technology, comes few health disadvantages which are preventable and we decided to create awareness regarding same.

Our volunteer Dr.Varsha, (Dr.Varsha contact page),  a well known respected medical doctor from Mumbai, decided to help us. On occasion of children’s eye health and safety month, took a audiovisual presentation via internet call for our  children enrolled in “Computer Mitra program” at Z.P.School Jambargaon. She explained to children regarding various precautions they need to take while using computer. She made sure to carry the presentation in easy and concise manner which can be understood by children. Despite lot of connectivity issues due to network errors in remote village, she patiently connected with chidlren and provided us her time.

Now the children of ComputerMitra program know : How to sit in front of the computer i.e. at eye level, to sit in a straight posture on chair without bending while using computer, the source of light should be not be on screen while using computer, and to hold mouse properly at wrist joint and many such other tips.

Children were so happy and motivated to listen from Dr.Varsha . We intent to integrate technology to have such helpful session on various topics for our StudyMall project in future too.

You can  also become our partner organisation,supporter, volunteer to conduct such interesting sessions for children and additionally, you can choose to donate for our cause. Check  for more details on our website.

Written by -Dr.Shraddha M Bhange

Volunteer and Writer for Thinksharp Foundation.




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