Thinksharp Foundation awarded Social media for empowerment award

ThinkSharp Foundation was one of the finalist for Social Media for Empowerment Awards 2017, (SM4E2017) held on 29 April 2017 at Delhi. We were nominated as finalists  out of 162  entries  from  South Asian organisations. Our project StudyMall for its unique and innovative social media marketing on various platforms such  Facebook Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Milaap, Bitgiving etc was nominated in Crowdsourcing, Crowd Economy and Crowd Funding category at SM4E2017 awards.

Dr.Shraddha our volunteer accepting the SM4E2017 award on behalf of all Thinskharp Foundation team
Dr.Shraddha our volunteer accepting the SM4E2017 award on behalf of all Thinksharp Foundation team

But what is the story here ? Is it relevant to you ? Well if you love Facebook, Twitter , Instagram etc then yes its relevant to you……..

How can Social media be used for helping your society...
Our Loved new friends..why do we need them?

Everybody loves Facebook because we want to know what is happening with my neighbors, colleagues or friends… We love twitter because we want to know what is happening in our society , nation and world. And we absolutely love Instagram  because we want to see cool pictures of  mouth watering food,  best makeup trends etc.  And we cannot survive without Whatsapp…where our day starts  with good morning messages and ends with good night .

Well I can name many apps that we use daily and we cannot survive without them. Because for most of us they are entertainment , for few maybe  source of knowledge and further few source of leaning and communication.

But what if i told you there are some individual who are using these social media apps for bringing positive reforms in society … Shocked and curious..

To briefly give you idea lets take our example , how we used social media for creating positive reform. Thinksharp foundation raised major  amount of expenditure needed for our rural education project StudyMall through social media campaigns and crowdfunding websites. The fund raised was apprx  more than 2 lacs. This fund was used  for creating digital libraries in 2 villages-

Read further to know how YOU can also be the Social change maker by using this social media apps on your phone.

Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)  is one such great and unique organisation which is aiming to use every digital method to be made available for every citizen. They are doing it through multiple channels by reaching out to multiple stakeholders and also by appreciating and bringing such organisations on common platforms . They aim to connect unreached and undeserved communities of India in an effort to bring them out of digital darkness and empower them with information access through last mile connectivity, digital literacy and digital interventions.

DEF alongwith  Friedrich Naumann Foundation hosted the 4th Social Media for Empowerment Awards 2017 (SM4E2017) at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on April 29.  They    felicitated  innovating organisations in digital media space . 16 were awarded as  Winners, seven  received Special Mentions and three were recognized for Chairman’s Recommendation.

Our project StudyMall  was  in category Crowdsourcing, Crowd Economy and Crowd Funding for SM4E2017 awards. It was an honor and privilege for us to attend the award ceremony conducted at Delhi. Our Volunteer Dr.Shraddha accepted the appreciation certificate on behalf of all our team and supporters.

Our nomination for award SM4E2017
Our nomination for award SM4E2017

On this occasion we would like to thank all of our team members especially those who help in digital media marketing  Mr.Bhagwan, Mr. Rahul,  Mr.Nilesh, Miss. Disha, Miss Durva, Quarterpants organisation, and many more. All of you who shared, liked, commented, donated, clicked on our Social media platforms this is a Thank you to you all.

We were also inspired and motivated by the speeches and thoughts shared by esteemed jury and guests of SM4E2017 award event. Esteemed  panel included but not limited to Mint Editor Sukumar Ranganathan, Country  Director Preethi Herman, GoNews Founder-Editor Pankaj Pachauri, Indian Railways DG(PR) Anil Saxena, Huffington Post India Editor-in-Chief Sruthijith KK and Digital India Foundation Co-Founder Arvind Gupta., Mr. Rajeev Mehrotra, Founder & Managing Trustee of Public Service Broadcasting Trust and Trustee-Secretary of The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH The Dalai Lama, Osama Manzar Founder & Director Digital Empowerment Foundation, Dr. Ronald Meinardus Regional Director South Asia, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Natasha Badhwar Columnist and Filmmaker, Malini Gupta Program Director,RBS Foundation India and many more.


It was an honor to be able to meet the amazing winning and nominated organisations that are doing great job in there respective domain to bring out social empowerment in society with help of digital media.

Few of the organisations to mention are Everyday Mumbai and Morango, Jan ki baat in Citizen Journalism, Explaining India’s Laws, Dhwani Rural Information Systems, Sahapedia in Communication, Advocacy & Development Activism, I Will Go Out and Bindi Bottoms in women empowerment , Karvaan: A Roving Book Project and Janaagraha Centre For Citizenship and Democracy in Crowdsourcing, Crowd Economy and Crowd Funding, BBC Media Action (Bangladesh), Development Consortium| Love Matters India, Janwaar Castle in community mobilization.


This event surely taught and inspired us to know how we can also use Social media and digital innovation to create an positive impact in Society. We request you to visit profiles of organisations mentioned here   to learn about there inspiring stories of bringing social change with the help of social media and digital platforms.

To read more (original story) @

To better use your social media from today share, tweet, like and donate for our ongoing campaign on Milaap –

Written by -Dr.Shraddha M Bhange

Volunteer and Writer for Thinksharp Foundation.




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Media Coverage- Click to read recent media coverage on National platform

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(Picture and content credit to Digital empowerment foundation)



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