India Today School Summit 2017-Our founder Santosh Phad as a panelist Speaker

On 16 Dec 2017, Our Founder Mr.Santosh phad was a  speaker and panelist at most esteemed India Today School summit 2017, Mumbai. Thinksharp Foundation was proud to put across point of equal rural educational access at this summit. This summit was organised at Hotel Trident, BKC, Mumbai.This summit also had our respected Minister of higher and technical education Mr.Vinod Tawade.
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In this summit Mr.Santosh was chosen as panelist for topic “Learning goes Digital-How does it work”. He was joined by other three experts in this field Mr.Nirav khambhati, CEO Tata ClassEdge, Mr.Sunil Khandbahale,Innovator and entrepreneur, Founder and CEO and Sonali Patankar, Founder Responsible Netism. Mr Santosh put across the challenge we face i.e we have two parts of India i.e India and Bharat meaning there is a great divide in rural and urban education. He focused on how digital learning is need of hour and how it is changing the way children learn and adhere to schools in rural areas. Santosh also answered to question by curator of panel discussion Kavaree Bamzai on “What  will he do if he was a student in today’s era”  by again emphasizing the impact of digital technology on learning by saying that, he will certainly do more courses online to learn more such as using Coursera which he currently using and completing 3 courses as of today.
It was fully packed summit with attendedes such as numerous esteemed educationists from schools, institutes, colleges, not for profits working in education and educational infrastructure providers.
The topics at this summit were beautifully curated . They were very inspirational and motivational where lot of educational ideas and projects were put forward . This ideas and projects are transforming the way the education is made available to children today to make them better leaders and better human beings. The educational system is shifting to accommodate the way today’s generation want to learn that is creative, interactive way of learning.
The speaker’s included but not limited to Mr.Vinay Sahasrabuddhe,MP who spoke about the rural urban educational divide in very eloquent and relatable way.
Mr.Viswanathan, vice Chancellor of VIT university talked about idea of educational divide and digital education.
It was followed by a very motivational panel discussion where panelist included esteemed educationists such as Shaheen Mistri, Founder Aakanksha Foundation and CEO of  Teach For India, Madhavi Tondi Head Symbiosis Schools Central Directorate , Suresh Subramanian COO Educate Girls and Indu Shahani Founding Dean of Indian School of Design. It was rightly pointed by everyone that access to education to every child of India is answer to making India a leading nation. It was also rightly pointed that  involving children in policy making of education is important so as to understand what type of education methods children will prefer.
Other panel discussion involved topics such “A different School of thought -shaping learning minds” by speakers Molly Paul Principal Bombay Scottish school, Kasar Dopaishi, Principal, Singapore International School.
The speaker’s included our respected  Mr.Vinod Tawade, Minister of Higher and Technical education, Maharashtra. Mr. Vinod Tawade  spoke about autonomy in education sector, Govt’s policies that are implemented and modified to adapt today’s educational need.
This summit also saw other illuminating topics and experts . Such as “Autonomy in higher studies”, Don’t wait for change,be the change agents”, “ahead of curve blueprint for global tie-ups,” and “not so nil battey sannata”.
Other esteemed speakers included Sumeet kulkarni, Director Granny cloud, Seema Saini, CEO N.L. Dalmia educational Society, Vikas Kalyani, Founder AAS Vidyalaya, Madhu shree Shekhar ,Professor from TISS (Tata institute of social sciences), Malay Krishna Professor, SPJIMR(SP jain institute of management) Gayatri Nair Lobo Executive director Indian School leadership institute and Ashwini Iyer Tiwari, Filmmaker.
Our team also attended this event comprising of our volunteers Mr.Bhagwan Jadhav and Dr.Shraddha Bhange.


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