Kumbefal and Kalegaon village are small villages located in Taluqa Khamgaon, close to Shegaon, Dist Buldhana. Approximate population of Kumbefal is 2800 and that of Kalegaon is 3500.
Kumbefal village Z.P. school is from 1st to 8th std (Marathi) and has 233 students and 08 Non RCC classrooms.Kalegaon village Z.P.School is from 1st to 7th Std Marathi medium and urdu medium,First and Second class semi English, 201 students and 9 classrooms out of which 7 are RCC .
We have set up Library and digital class for betterment of these 233 students. 2 classrooms are converted as advanced hub of learning with lots of books in drawing, stories, DIY hobbies, and digital/e-learning in motivational classroom painted in animated child feeling way.
We thank our partners for infrastructure solutions E-Prashala, Pratham Books, Jyotsna Publication.
We wait for more feedback from students and teachers on usage of StudyMall and its impact on there learning. We will update you on same on periodic basis. Connect to our social media pages to get live updates.
Written by -Dr.Shraddha M Bhange
Volunteer and Writer for Thinksharp Foundation.
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