Thinksharp Foundation is growing, we are now helping around 5000 rural children in 30 villages of Maharashtra through 28 Studymall projects running in rural schools. We are sharing detailed story about two of our Projects, launched on 20 Oct 2018 “23rd StudyMall“at village Mirwat and “24th StudyMall” at village Kasarwadi, Tq.Parli.V, Dist.Beed.
Our chief guests included Mr.Giri (Taluka Education Officer) for Studymall in mirwat village, other villagers-parents and school children and teachers . In first phase we launched Digital Class and Library in school. This will benefit more than 366 children from this villages.
During the event chief guest and other guests shared their thoughts about digital learning and importance of having library in school. Inspired by our support to school, a group of villagers came forward and promised for solar installation to solve lack of continuous electricity supply problem of school followed by another group of villagers that donated 1 LCD TV to school. These efforts will create positive learning environment in village.
Mirwat and Kasarwadi are small villages with approximate total population of 2214 and 1600 respectively. Z.P.School of Mirwat village is from 1 to 8th std and is Marathi medium school.The total students in this school are 205, 107 boys and 98 girls and there are 07 teachers dedicated to this children. Z.P.School Kasarwadi village is from 1 to 8 std and is Marathi medium school.The total students in this school are 161, 73 boys and 88 girls and there are 06 teachers dedicated to this children. This children will now have a equal chance to read books, to learn various subject such as science through digital learning and to enjoy learning arts,crafts etc with help of better educational infrastructure.
You can catch glimpses of opening ceremony and StudyMall on our facebook page click here for Kasarwadi and for Mirwat click here
We thank all our supporters and donors. Special thanks to organisation who was funded this projects-Young Volunteer’s Organization ( to all our partners for infrastructure solutions E-Prashala, Pratham Books, Jyotsna Publication. We also extend our thanks to our individual supporters and donors.
You can also become our partner organisation, supporter, volunteer and you can choose to donate for our cause. Check for more details on our website.
Written by -Dr.Shraddha M Bhange
Volunteer and Writer for Thinksharp Foundation.
Website- www.ThinkSharpFoundation.
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