Children from Village Rumhana, will now learn, read and play better.
10TH STD, action for collective transformation, AURANGABAD, CROWDFUNDING, digital class, digital education, digital empowerment, DONATION FOR CHARITY, Education, helping, HSC, humanity, maharashtra, milaap, NGO, NGO in education, NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION, rural education, social enterprise, social enterprise courses, social entrepreneurship, social media, ssc, studymall, TAX BENEFIT, transform maharashtra, Uncategorized, VILLAGE EDUCATION, youth power
On 04 Nov 2017 we visited Z.P.School of Village Rumhana, Dist Buldhana. We did pre inspection of Z.P.School. We were humbled by support and co-ordination of Chate sir, Z.P.School staff, students and parents especially considering it was school holiday. Rumhane is a small village with approximate total population of 1000 +. Z.P.School of this small village is from 1st to 4th std and is Marathi medium, with total student count 84 (40 boys and 44 girls). Total number of teachers is 03. School has 6 classrooms out of which only 2 are RCC ,1 tv, and 24 hour electricity is current infrastructure. Honoring commitment of village residents, gram Panchyat, teachers and Chate Sir for betterment of educational infrastructure to be made available for this village children, we are going…