StudyFin- Financial support to reduce school dropouts in Maharashtra

At Thinksharp Foundation, we are successfully running project StudyMall in 28 villages in 28 rural schools across Maharashtra,India . Through StudyMall we are helping approximately 5000 rural children by providing them books,digital learning and other better educational infrastructure.

While working in rural areas, we closely observed lack of financial resource is one of the critical reason for discontinuing education. One of the major cause of dropouts in secondary schools in rural areas, is lack of financial support. This led us to launch our  new project “StudyFin”.

StudyFin project supports to financially disadvantaged children to pursue secondary education (9th to 12th Std) and vocational education. Special emphasis is for the girls who cannot pursue or have dropped out of the school due to financial constraints. This will help rural children for completion of the basic and vocational education.  This will increase there chance of earning money and becoming self-sustainable by being able to earn livelihood. StudyFin offers financial assistance in terms of fees up-to Rs.15,000/- per year, until course completion.

Our eligibility criteria is parental income from all sources should be less than Rs.2,50,000/- for the year. Special preference to children who have shown strong desire to learn. Eligible Courses 9th to 12th Std school education, ITI, Polytechnic and other short term vocational courses.

Our expectation from  children who will become part of our StudyFin program is that, they should provide commitment to share regular performance report as per our terms and conditions. And they should have desire to give back to society meaning children who are beneficiaries of our project, after their desired progression in career, they should donate for our project to further help other financially disadvantaged children in similar manner.

You can also become our partner organisation, supporter, volunteer and you can choose to donate for our cause.

Apply to avail financial support StudyFin

Written by -Dr.Shraddha M Bhange

Volunteer and Writer for Thinksharp Foundation.




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