Impact Stories of StudyMall- Better rural education in villages
10TH STD, AURANGABAD, CROWDFUNDING, CSR JOURNAL, digital class, digital education, digital empowerment, Digital Empowerment Foundation, digital media, digital trialblazer, DONATION FOR CHARITY, E-CELL, Education, entrepreneurship courses, helping, Indiatodayschoolsummit, NGO, NGO in education, NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION, notforprofit, rural education, ruraleducation, social enterprise, social enterprise courses, social entrepreneurship, social impact, social media for empowerment, studymall, TAX BENEFIT, Uncategorized, VILLAGE EDUCATION, youth power
StudyMall is helping more than 5000 rural children read,learn and do better in studies. StudyMall has reached 33 schools in 33 villages of Maharashtra. While we do have many impact parameters and impact stories, today i would like to share 2 little recent stories about impact of StudyMall. This stories are shared from teachers of our StudyMall project with us. One of our respected and committed teacher is Mr.Prakash Rajput sir who shares his message regarding impact of StudyMall in Z.P.School of Village Murumkhedwadi, Dist Aurangabad as below. He shared his heartfelt thanks with us for sending computer in his small village located in mountains. He shared the joy of happiness that he witnessed on children's faces when they saw the computer in their school. He is one of our…